About Me
Our mission is to spread the good news of financial literacy and how it can help save many Filipinos in protecting and securing the life of their families from generation to generation.

Joseph Almine - Your Licensed Financial Advisor
Being a Financial Advisor, I am dedicating this business blog site to all the 80% Filipino, which according to the WorldBank are not yet financially literate. I hope to contribute in the lowering of the number and also to offer more choices as how a typical pinoy can attain financial freedom.
Aside from being a Licensed Financial Advisor in Bicol, I am also Licensed Professional Teacher and an MBA candidate.
I am with Sun Life because I would like to teach people, especially Bicolanos about financial literacy – to feel secured knowing that no matter what happens, be it illness or accident, their family will be protected and taken cared of, and lastly to be able to enjoy retirement without facing money issues.
Go to my Sun Life Naga and Bicol page for hassle-free financial solutions.
Our Core Values
Flexible Schedule
Set appointments at your most comfortable time. Nevertheless, please book your appointment a least a week in advance to ensure your spot.
Valuable Learnings
Know where your money goes and how you can budget your finances. Learn how you can save up for your retirement and for rainy days. Lastly, learn how you can grow your money.
No Commitments
My main goal is to help you get a better handle on your finances. Like you, I used to struggle with mine. My priority is for you to get something meaningful out of our meeting!
Our Mission
To provide honest, empathetic and factual information about Financial Literacy. To impart Financial Literacy to every Filipino, especially Bicolanos. To walk hand in hand with Filipinos in their journey towards achieving Financial Freedom.
Our Vision
For every Filipino, especially Bicolanos to become Financially Literate. As I believe that Financial Literacy is one of the most efficient roads towards alleviating poverty.

Aside from being a Licensed Financial Advisor in Bicol, I am also Licensed Professional Teacher and an MBA candidate.
Need A FREE Financial Advice?
Do you need advice about your finances? Are you having problems tracking where your hard-earned money goes to? If so, contact us today and we will do our best to help for FREE!